Patharkandi College of Education

  • In Assam

Reviews on Patharkandi College of Education

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Patharkandi College of Education was established in 1995, is the out come of the sincere and dedicatory efforts of the local people under the bold charismatic leadership of Late Mr. Qumrul Hoque.
Late Hoque was the sole inspiration behind the foundation of the College. His vision and love for education made him to work hard with the co-operation of the local residents towards the establishment of this institution. The institution had now been recognized by the NCTE and affiliated by the Assam University , Silchar.

Since its inception the College has the distinction of achieving one or two ranks amongst the top ten of the University. It reflects the sincerity and devotion of the Teachers towards the institute and commitment of the welfare of education, specially School education.

Demographically, this locality dominated by the Bengali Hindu & Muslim, Maitayee and Bishnupriya Monipuri , Tea Garden, S/C & S/T people. The Co-educational system are existing in the College.

The College has all the required teaching staff, library, laboratory etc. and functioning under the able guidance of the principal Mr. Manik Hussain Talukdar .The College library has a collection of more than 5675 Nos. of Books, 277 Nos. of Journals, 151 Nos. of Magazines, 66 Nos of Encyclopedias, 1700 Nos. of Reference Books.

The College is running on its own land and building since 2001. 25 (825 decimals) of the land are available under the possession of the College.

Patharkandi College of Education