Shanti Path Consulting, Pvt. Ltd.

  • Course (2)
  • Training (1)
  • In Delhi

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Shanti Path specializes in bridging gaps that exist between India and its global partners, focusing on communication skills and cultural understanding.

We provide training for incoming expatriate executives, enabling them to understand common leadership and management issues faced in the Indian context.

We provide orientation for incoming expat families focused on cross-cultural adjustment issues in the Indian context, as well as practical issues related to everyday life in Delhi.

We provide training for professionals working in cross-cultural and global virtual teams, enabling them to function more effectively.

We provide orientation and training workshops for volunteers coming to India to work with NGOs enabling them to adjust to the Indian context faster, thus maximizing their contributions while in India.

We provide cultural training and orientation for college and graduate students going to the US for further study. This focused training will enable students to adapt more quickly, maximizing their learning experience and minimizing painful social blunders.

We provide cultural training for Indian personnel who interact with American clients. This training will give Indian business professionals an understanding of what to expect from their American counterparts enabling them to make a good impression and succeed in the American context.

Shanti Path Consulting, Pvt. Ltd.