Reviews on ACEAS

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ACEAS operates under a Trust which also has an independent ethics committee named Independent Ethics Committee - Aditya (IEC-Aditya) responsible for safeguarding the rights, safety, and well-being of human volunteers participating in clinical trials at the sites of Contract Research Organizations (CROs) and pharmaceutical companies across India.


ACEAS is the acronym of Aditya College of Engineering & Advanced Studies (ACEAS), Ahmedabad. ACEAS incorporates the name of ‘ADITYA’, the ‘SUN’ which enlightens and sustains life on earth and also includes ‘ACE’ , meaning thereby ‘first-rate’ and ‘world-class’.

ACEAS was created by a collective initiative and efforts of an eclectic group of technological, medical, pharmaceutical, and management professionals endowed with wide and varied experience in the industry and academia in mid-2004. The main objective of ACEAS has been the provision of career focused and job-oriented education for fresh graduates and working professionals empowering them a sound knowledge-base and relevant skill-sets to efficiently work in the competitive corporate environment.