C.N. Kothari Homoeopathic Medical College & Research Centre

  • In Gujarāt

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This Institution came into its being through a generous donation made by Late Shri Anilbhai Shah (Kachwala).This Trust has commenced its activities by making its basic step towards a big leap firstly by establishing a Homoeopathy College & Hospital. The second step towards activity of this concept was to commence and now it has established a Homoeopathic research Centre of Sickle Cell Anaemia. After this Trust established a Pre-Primary to Higher Secondary Education Centre and intend to establish Employment Centre for deprived females. Over and above all these this Trust also plans to give Computer Education, a Library and self employment based Training Programs. These are the programs that are planned stage wise, And the Trust also intends to implement such other activities that are found connected, incidental and is necessary for uplifting that social, economical, educational and moral standards of public at large.

C.N. Kothari Homoeopathic Medical College & Research Centre