Reviews on IBSAMS

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IBSAMS is committed to provide high quality management education through distance learning across India
Our Mission is to provide learners with Flexible Learning opportunities anywhere, anytime without having to travel to campus and to enable them to pursue various programmes to achieve their goals.
Providing specific customized need based programs by imparting professional orientations through new age tools and technologies.
Using the current E-Age / Internet platform to provide accessibility to high quality higher & advanced education by taking it at the student’s doorstep, irrespective of age, region, language or other formal qualifications thereby breaking the limitations for all who aspire for Affordable Advanced Education.
To give opportunity to the students who have left their education due to some unavoidable reasons and now want to continue with their career progression.
To meet the need of exposing students to CSR- Corporate social responsibility and help them to understand the environmental impact of business.
IBSAMS welcomes to the world of job-oriented diplomas where the end of the course not only leads to a certificate or credential, it also is a doorstep to an aspiring career and future prospective.