StatLead Learning Center

  • In Jhārkhand

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Our courses are aimed to make you 'industry-ready' with deliverable skills in data processing and analysis using SAS. All our courses come with real-data examples and case studies

All our courses are instructor-led and delivered in a classroom format that adheres to the highest standards. Some of the specific structures of our training courses are as under:

Each course is presented in modular sessions and arranged in a logical sequence.
Each session follows a blended approach of technical materials with data examples, case studies, and practice set.
Handouts of the lecture notes are supplied for each course.
A mix of multimedia is used to present material, including text, slide shows, diagrams, charts, and simulations.
Links to outside research resources are provided to explore topics in greater detail.
Class rooms used to impart the training are equipped with LCD projector, whiteboard, and flip-chart.
Examinations with multiple choice questions are conducted in some courses with pre-specified passing criteria.

StatLead Learning Center